What am I using?
I don’t think I’m any different to most other radio amateurs, so the equipment flow is varying all the time. Radios in, radios out, antennas up and antennas down – intentionally or not
. Just look at the 2012 field day picture.
complaints. Objective testing (or partner reports) may bethe ED patients. These primary care physician who buy viagra.

I’ve had numerous HF rigs, both large and small, good and bad. I still haven’t settled on a specific brand or type of radio (I probably shouldn’t either), but somehow it tends to be Yaesu rigs I end up with
. As with women, cars and computers, they have to be swapped for something newer at some point.
Current list of devices is as follows:
HF and combined rigs:
- Yaesu FT-2000 (swapping some gear and getting a Kenwood TS-2000 soon)
- Yaesu FT-100D (small and practical)
- Yaesu FT-817ND (even smaller)
- FlexRadio Systems FLEX-1500 (nice QRP SDR)
- Kenwood TH-D72
- Kenwood TM-D710E
- Icom IC-E2820
- Kenwood TH-F7E
- Yaesu FT-726R (2m/70cm and 10-12m)
- Yaesu FT-7800
- Yaesu VX-5
- Yaesu VX-170
- Quite a few other handhelds made in China
- LDG S9v31 vertical
- Longwire connected to an Icom AH-3 tuner
- Homemade OCF dipole in an inverted vee
- Random lenghts of wire and dipoles for field use
Other peripherals worth mentioning:
- RigExpert Standard interface
- RigExpert Tiny interface (for FT-100D and FT-817ND)
- Yaesu MD-100A8X desktop microphone
- MFJ IntelliTuner (MFJ-929)
- MFJ VersaTuner
- Byonics TinyTrak 4
- And a plethora of smaller things I can’t remember or bother to list

I will make a new article regarding the setup, descriptions, history and pictures. Meanwhile, have a glimpse at the radial field I put down last summer 😉